
What does Sew For It mean?.

'Sew for It' means to just go for it and sew that piece of clothing (or whatever it may be) you want to create. 

'Because there's nothing else like it' has two meanings:

1) You can't buy it because there's nothing like it to buy whether because of the fabrics used, the style or the fit.

2) There's nothing else like the feeling of completing a sewing project. It's the best feeling ever! What makes it even better is sewing for someone else.


Some History

I have always enjoyed sewing and making crafts. When I was fourteen I made a yo-yo monkey like this one.

Bye-Bye Yo-Yo Monkey

I worked on that monkey for several weeks. I suppose during that time I didn't give my dog enough attention. He wasn't happy about the situation. I was so proud when I completed the monkey. It was soooo cute. I left it on my bed along with other pillows and stuffed animals. The day I finished the monkey my dog got it off my bed and ripped it to shreds. I was so upset. That was my first sewing project. I still say I'm going to make another one for my daughter.

My Teen Craftiness. String Art? Wood Burning? Mhm...

As a teenager I also enjoyed string art. It was huge at the time. Wood burning was too. That probably lets you in on how old I am. Over the years I have tried to get into crocheting and knitting but they didn't stick. Every crocheted or knitted thing I tried to make was an uneven mess. I have given up on those two but sewing did stick.

Our Miracle

I didn't sew for a long time and then my daughter was born in 2004. We were married seventeen years before we had her. A combination of PCOS and hypothyroidism made conceiving seem impossible but with God all things are possible.

In April of 2003 I prayed that God would straighten out my hormones so I wouldn't have such mood swings. I didn't pray for a child. A child was so often prayed for and dreamed about....but this time a child didn't even enter into my thinking. We had given up on kids at least five years earlier.

An Old Preacher Drops a Hint 

One day on our carport, I was told in a prophetic kind of way that "God has a special gift for me" and that I "WILL be good with kids".

Still, having my own kids, babies, children, never entered my thought process. I figured he was probably saying I would at some point be a teacher and would be good with those kids, not my own.

Surprise, Surprise!

Four and a half months after that day I went to my Ob-Gyn for my yearly check-up. The doctor always ordered routine blood work before my appointment. The lab tech asked me if I suspected pregnancy. I told her no. She said, "Well, you never know".

I said, "I know. I'm definitely not pregnant. Tried for years".

So when she got finished I went into the room to wait for the doctor.

When he stepped into the room he said, "Congratulations!"

I said, "Huh?".

He said, "You're pregnant!"

After I had almost finished with a box of Kleenex he did an ultrasound. He told me I was about four months pregnant. When I left the office that day I was carrying a bag of items I never thought I would need such as formula, prenatal care instructions, all kinds of goodies that other women probably take for granted.

I can still remember walking across the parking lot to my car. I'm still not sure my feet were touching the ground.

People asked me how could not know I was pregnant, let alone that far along. Well, I never had regular cycles. I didn't know what pregnancy felt like. If I had any symptoms I would have just blown it off as PCOS related.

"Blue as a Dolphin"

My pregnancy was ideal. I was never sick. No problems at all. I'd never felt as good in my life as I did when I was pregnant.

Then it came time for the delivery. There was no indication of problems. None at all.

I had to be induced and my water broken. But things still weren't happening as they should. The doctor noticed that when I pushed her heart rate would bottom out.

She would have to be delivered by c-section. I'll never forget when the doctor was working his way down to get her out, they were all talking. When he was bringing her out it was so quiet. Nobody was talking. No baby was crying.

My husband later told me she was as blue as a dolphin. The cord was wrapped around her neck not once but twice. He said the anesthesiologist was trying to prevent him from seeing what was happening. It was not looking good.

I didn't she her when she was blue, thank God but shortly after she was delivered, she did cry.

They gave her to her Daddy and he left with her. At that point I still didn't know the cord was around her neck.

My husband reminded me recently that if I would have had her not so long ago we both would have died.

My MIL also reminds me that whatever God does is perfect.

And my baby was and is perfectly healthy.

She was born January 20th, 2004. I turned forty on July 27th, 2004.

She was wonderful as a baby and now she's wonderful as a little girl. I can't wait to see what she's like as a woman.

I believe God has wonderful things in store for her in the future.

I've only been pregnant once in my life and had one child. It was a wonderful, amazing experience that I wish I could have done at least three more times.

We tried until I was forty-three to have just one more, so she wouldn't have to be an only child. Then after I turned forty-four I was too afraid of complications so we stopped trying.

Thank you God for letting me experience child birth and being a mommy once in my life. I had no idea what it's really like even though I imagined it many times before she was born. I truly had no idea.

Why I Sew

She is my inspiration for sewing. I love to make things for her.

I've made her two very complicated (for me anyway) Halloween costumes, a doll, a skirt, headbands and a few other minor things.

When we go to a fabric store she has a fit over the fabric. She has to feel the fabric. She says, "Oh Mama, look at this. It's soo beautiful! Please make me something out of this!"

She loves bright colors, totally opposite from me. I have a long list of things she wants me to try to make.

So that means that on this blog you'll see things (clothing, accessories, etc.) made mostly for her and then eventually maybe even stuff for me, when I get more experience.

Now for the serious stuff.  

*****Please don't use my images or text without my permission.*****

Email me ....  lacalla3@gmail.com
I probably won't mind but please ask first.

Full Disclosure

*I have Amazon affiliate links for things I use and like, such as sewing/crafting books that I can feel good about recommending.